Children Deserve Success Podcast

Mandated Reporting- Tim Seibert, Child Welfare Services Manager, San Bernardino County Family Services

Children Deserve Success Season 1 Episode 2


Mandated Reporting


san bernardino county, meeting, mandated reporter, records, law enforcement, siebert, task force, child abuse hotline, guest speaker, related, report, stipulated, services, child welfare services, student, mandate, april, attendance, monthly, files




Don  00:02

Hello, my name is Don English Director of Children Deserve Success and Executive Director of the San Bernardino County Wide Gangs and Drugs Task Force. And I want to welcome you to our Children Deserve Success Podcast. Twice a month we will be sending out these recordings regarding all things related to child welfare and attendance, school attendance Review Board, foster youth services, McKinney-Vento homeless programs in our county and the San Bernardino County Wide Gangs and Drugs Task Force. During our March child welfare and attendance meeting, we had a fantastic presentation by Tim Siebert, Child Welfare Services Manager with San Bernardino County Children and Family Services. Mr. Siebert informed the group as it relates to mandated reporting. While it may be best practice for a mandated reporter to call a suspected report of child abuse or neglect into the child abuse hotline. Law enforcement is considered a designated agency to receive that information and report. The mandated reporter will have fulfilled their mandate if they report this to law enforcement, as long as they are not stipulated on the form at school district police or security department. You're mandated reporters can make the report to law enforcement, but I will suggest they complete the SS 8572 form, provide that to the officer and keep a copy for their records to ensure documentation that they fulfilled their mandate. We would like to share the following upcoming events with you. On Wednesday, April 7, we will have our General San Bernardino County Wide Gangs and Drugs Taskforce meeting. The meeting will be held virtually via WebEx. Our outstanding guest speaker will be Corporal Mirasol Toro, Civil Operations Specialist with the United States Army Counter Drug Taskforce. On Monday, April 12. We will host our monthly foster care advisory meeting. various stakeholders throughout the San Bernardino County collaborate for collective impact on the lives of the youth served throughout our region. On Wednesday, April 21, we will host our monthly child welfare and attendance meeting, which will include legislative updates, hot topics, and prevalent relevant information from our guest speaker. On Wednesday, April 28, we will host our monthly homeless youth task force meeting. And in addition, on Monday, May third, we will host virtually our upcoming and exciting third student records workshop. And that will be conducted by Mr. Sherman Garnett, and yours truly Don English. We will review the following contents of cumulative files, access to student records, review of custodial parent and non custodial rights, enrollment and residency, special education files, new laws related to student records, and how to challenge student record. Thank you for listening. We hope you find this information exciting and valuable. If you have any topics or questions you would like addressed, please email them directly to As always, we hope you stay well and continue to transform lives through education.